My business venture actually began as a personal blog. I came up with the name EmBodyed Tides, based on two important concepts (also visible on my homepage) :

verb – to be an expression of or give a tangible or visible form to (an idea, quality, or feeling)
noun – the rise and fall of sea levels caused by combined effects and gravitational forces exerted by the Sun, the Moon, and rotation of the Earth

I hope to bestow with these musings on my blog an opportunity to take pause and reflect on such flux. For nothing other than to take pause in our waters, and remember that deep below, we all are anchored in the same foundation.

Rock | Us | Hard Place

Sometimes it feels as though we are sandwiched between these two places, no?  It can be a situation, feeling, or person that sets off our our ‘fight/flight/freeze’ reaction under duress.  As with most, the experience below is unique, relative only to each person’s (in this case, my) autonomic nervous system and subsequent reactions in place. […]

The Power of 3.

Hi there, readers.  It is with great honor and gratitude, that today I can reflect on the continued manifestation of not only this blog, but also the development of my business, EmBodyed Tides.  Goal being: to provide family therapy services as well as individual/group private yoga instruction, as tools for deliberate and authentic living.  Some […]

Life is simple.

Usually when I write a blog post, I am diligent in drafting it through an external word application, making edits or revisions as I go, and saving it to my hard drive before submitting it to the “Internets” (as my sister calls it), in the hopes of archiving it auspiciously for years – no, decades – to […]

Hope Fully.

Do yourself a favor:  find your list of goals and dreams — be it typed up in a cryptic excel spreadsheet, or scribbled on a yellow legal pad — maybe it’s a pile of random sticky-notes that are stacked up on the nightstand.  Delete.  Cross out.  Throw away these lists.  YES, “delete the bucket list” is […]


Roughly two years ago, on one of my social media pages I proposed, “Distance makes the heart grow __________.”  It was an outreach intended for any/all friends or family to respond with their answer.  Or answers.  Some were comical, some more serious.  Some reactions were wise and others rhetorical.  A few from the experiment: “grateful.” […]

Tidal shifts.

Dear friends, For those of you who come here to read and absorb, or for those of you who pass it along to others for a chance to do so – thank you.  I have been writing this blog intermittently over the last 10 months, and will be approaching a time (I do hope!) in the […]

Mythology and Metaphors

Myth #1.  As a yoga teacher, I never lose my s___. Well, you can imagine why this is a falsehood.  For example, just this morning, I am sitting in the dining room, writing a blog post as The Lion Guard blasts from the next room, and my toddler sits too closely to the television while home “sick” […]


It’s not about laziness.  Really.  Not in the way you think it would be. Everyone’s got those days when they’re not responding to very much outside of a few cups of caffeine and pajamas.  Maybe some reality TV or cartoons are loaded up on the television or laptop, and there is only a slight intermission for an […]

Do the work.

I am a believer of many things.  Some of which you probably believe in, too.  (Family.  Friendship.  Kindness.  Learning.  Avocados.)  Some of which you probably do not, and that’s okay because we are all meant to support our own truths with deliberate authenticity (I know, not always easy to achieve).  I imagine however, that living […]

Not for the faint of heart …

Hello! Friends and readers, I apologize for delay(s) in writing.  I am interested, motivated, determined to cultivate this space for honorings and teachings and stories and lessons of what(ever) EmBodyed Tides is to offer.  As in, let’s see what 2017 brings, and hopefully that is much for all of us!  As far as the end […]